Software Performance Testing: What is, Types, Best Practices, and Process

Software Performance Testing: What is, Types, Best Practices, and Process

In the various types of software testing, performance testing is one of the main types as it is about testing the actual performance of the software.

When one talks about software performance testing, the main aspect of it has always been verification of the actual software before it has been developed. The primary goal of this process is to work as a diagnostic aid to detect errors in communication.

As it is stated by the experts, it is hard to state the correct definition of performance testing as it is utilized for varied functions base on various organizations and companies. In this article, we will see what is software performance testing and what are its various types.

Software Performance testing – Definition

Software Performance testing is performed to authenticate and check the quality metrics of the given software like reliability, Vigorousness, scalability, etc.

Different amounts of intense load conditions will be subjected to the software to check their behaviour and response. The output will be measured to analyze and predict various elements.

Software Performance testing – Types

Now, let’s dig into the various types of performance testing as the whole concept of Performance testing is relative to every individual software.

1. Load Testing

In this method, the intensity of load the software undergoes when it is increased and reached the maximum level is checked. Here, when we say increased load, it means that the number of simultaneous users is increased. Along with this, the number of simultaneous transactions is also increased and the overall behavior of the software under test situation is also checked.

Here, primarily the response time of the software is observed to make sure that the software is capable to carry that certain amount of load at any given time. This is the reason it is also called as Volume Testing.

2. Stress Testing

In this method, the stability of the software is checked when the hardware elements like Disk space, CPU, or Memory are not stable. It is an aspect of negative testing in which the software is loaded with many simultaneous users, which is out of capacity for the software.

Stress testing can be said as a type of non-functional testing, as it tests the aspects of the software which are non-functional. Also, it’s carried out under a controlled situation. This allows it to capture irregular scenarios and correct them.

3. Throttle Testing

In this method, a load is tested on the software at a limited speed. This is done to verify the speed at which the website will load for end-users who might have connectivity issued or low connectivity. Tools like Speed simulators, traffic sharpers, etc. are used in this type.

4. Endurance Testing

In this method, the software is tested for a long time with a fixed amount of load on it. The long-term load behavior of the software is observed here. Let’s say, certain software is designed to work properly for 5 hours. Here, it will be tested for 10 hours straight to check its behavior.

This is generally done to check for any memory leaks or system fails. It is also known as Soak testing.

5. Spike Testing

This method is a bit similar to stress testing. The only difference here is that the load volume is increased simultaneously, and the workload is kept for a longer time.

The actual testing time here is longer than the anticipated functioning time. If any unknown behavior is found, it is tapped and rectified at the very moment.

6. Smoke Testing

In this method, the software is run on a smaller load compared to its capacity. When the test is run, if the software generates smoke, then it becomes clear that the software has some error in its script.

This is one of the most simple tests and is considered as a verification test conducted before the software is launched, or larger tests are run.

7. Capacity Testing

In this method, the software is tested for the load it can handle at any given moment. When one knows the number of users the software can handle, he/she has better visibility of predicted events that might act as a barrier for your website growth. It works as a confirmation test to avoid any future problems, especially if one decides to increase the volume of the data.

8. Component Testing

In this method, the functionality of a particular part of your software is checked. Simpler but essential elements like shopping cart, chart feature, file upload, email function, search function, etc. are checked.

9. Peak Testing

In this method, one exposes the software with increased load for a small-time and regular peaks in simultaneous users. This is done to analyze how the software will behave in the real-life, similar situation.

10. Scalability Testing

This method is usually carried out at the developmental stage of the software and also just before the release. Here, one is supposed to check how the software will program when another software is added to the same server. One can also improve loading time during this type of testing.

Its general aim is to find out the peak intensity at which the software is preventing more scaling.

Software Performance testing – Common issues observed

Now, after analyzing the various types of software performance testing, let’s have a look at the different issues that can occur while testing the software.

1. Poor Scalability

It can happen that if the system is not able to handle the predicted intensity of load, then the loading time will get delayed. This will result in unexpected benefits that can have a bad impact on CPU usage, Network configuration, Memory, Disk usage, Operating system, etc.

2. Bottlenecking

When the software is not capable enough to handle the load, the data flow is interrupted or halted. This issue is about that error.

3. Insufficient Hardware Resource

Here, the lack of good hardware technology will result in memory shortage and/or CPUs won’t perform well.

4. Software Configuration Problem

This one is a minor problem. It occurs when the configuration setting is set so low that the system can handle more. To solve this, just some minor changes in software configuration settings is enough.

Software Performance Testing – Best Practices

  1. Remember that performance testing can also be used to test individual scenarios as well as the entire system.
  2. Ensure that there are testers and IT developers involved in the process. This makes it an all-around process and transition time is saved.
  3. Decide a high-level plan before taking the test.
  4. Configure Database test sets, Test environment, Quiet network, Router configuration, etc.
  5. Run this test as early as possible in the developmental stage. This will allow you to conduct small trials that are successful rather than a single bigger trial that has many smaller problems.
  6. Testing a single part multiple times helps to ensure that the test results are consistent.
  7. Ensure what you need internally and externally before you execute the test.
  8. Devise a script for proof-of-concept for software under test.
  9. Run a dry test to check the script before executing the actual test.

Software Performance testing -Process

  1. Test environment identification – Detect the Tools required, Goals that need to be completed, Physical test environment of the test.
  2. Identify performance acceptance criteria – Detect different characteristics such as Throughput, Constraints, Response time, and Resource-use goals.
  3. Plan and design tests – Select the desired tools, prepare test environment, decide the strategy, etc.
  4. Configure the test environment – Get ready with all the resources that are needed to execute the tests.
  5. Implement test design – Develop and design a test design.
  6. Execute the test – Run the test, monitor, validate, and collect the test data.
  7. Analyze test results, make reports, and retest – Combine the test output data and analyze it. According to the results, decide if a re-test is required.


Performance testing of any given software is as important as any other type. It cannot be ignored as it is the visible user experience of the software. We hope this article has insightfully helped you.

How VTEST can help

At VTEST, we perform multiple testing methods with robust nature. It is our strength that we do not compromise the testing quality and take pride in having one of the most efficient testing companies around.