Can ONLY Engineers become Software Testers? – NOOOO…

Can ONLY Engineers become Software Testers? – NOOOO…

Few days back, someone asked me whether we at vTEST recruit ONLY Engineers for our Software Testing positions. I said a big NO and that’s when I thought of penning down this.

My thoughts –

–         I have been strongly advocating that you need not be an engineer to become a successful software tester. It has been observed that MNCs, SMEs or even startups have been restricting only Engineers to apply for their software testing positions.

–         In my 15+ years of software testing experience, I have interacted with 1000s of aspiring and budding software testers that come from varied educational backgrounds. In the US, I have met and admired few strong software testers that would have very different educational qualifications like Psychology, Arts, and Literature. Whatever their educational background, for me it is important that they can test and yes effectively.

–         I have often had healthy debates with folks from MNCs that would be adamant to hire ONLY Engineers and pay them better than any Non-Engineer. I have strongly differed against this school of thought.

My recommendations –

–         I would highly recommend that salaries be decided as per the skill set of an individual as against the educational background. I have nothing against Engineers per say, I myself am an Engineer.

–         The important fact to be considered is that we are hiring a skill set and not mere education. Again, I am definitely not against any educational degree but just holding a particular degree does not make you a better tester than others. It might help you get an entry to a job requirement that wants to hire engineers only but definitely not get the work done for you.

–         In India, there are 1000s of students that are unable to pursue engineering due to a number of reasons other than academic skills like lack of funds, lack of support, family commitments, and geographical location and so on. But should they be deprived of building their careers too?, absolutely not.

–         For specific testing requirements, you might need a distinct skill set that can be trained. If training needs to be provided to engineer and non-engineer and if both can grasp well then why not train a non-engineer?.

–         The best way to determine is your interview and that’s the time to judge engineer vs a non-engineer. If a non-engineer can get the job done with the right attitude, aptitude, communication skill and other secondary skills required then why not hire a non-engineer?.

What is vTEST?

–         vTEST is a team of “testomaniacs” that are ardent about quality and YES we hire non-engineers too.

–         We call our testers – testomaniacs as they love each bit of testing and are zealous to deliver best quality software.

–         Our testomaniacs are passionate in each testing type and equally professional. At hiring, we conduct tough interviews to ensure that we have the right talent joining us. After joining, training is provided to upgrade different types of skill sets and eventually make them awesome testers that rock!.

–         All testomaniacs are experts on different types of testing and take full ownership of application under test. 

–         vTEST provides testing services through dedicated and on-demand channels to multiple clients in 24×7 operating model. 

–         vTEST certifies each application tested and provides a digital certificate accompanied with detailed test summary reports.

Please note this is no way a marketing gig for vTEST. For any criticism / thoughts, feel free to reach me at [email protected]. Happy Testing!.