Explore trends, tips, and expertise in software testing.

Web Service Test Automation – Need & Benefits
The process of software testing can be very tricky and hectic. In this process, Web service test automation solutions help in detecting and verifying the app’s effective communication. Also, it checks whether the app can access the functions from the web in a correct manner. Along with this, they also help in confirming the behavior […]
by - VTEST
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VTEST is now a member of NASSCOM
We are very happy to share that VTEST is now a member of NASSCOM. Being a member of NASSCOM family will undoubtedly strengthen the company’s professional stature, team spirit and will make our clients rely on our awesome software testing & QA services even more than before. “We are really delighted […]
by - VTEST
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Performance Testing Environment: 5 tips for a better setup
Performance testing is a non-functional software testing technique that determines how well an application’s stability, speed, scalability, and responsiveness hold up under a given workload.It’s an important step in ensuring software quality, but it’s often seen as an afterthought, to be done after functional testing is finished, and, in most cases, after the code is […]
by - VTEST
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Software Performance Testing: What is, Types, Best Practices, and Process
In the various types of software testing, performance testing is one of the main types as it is about testing the actual performance of the software. When one talks about software performance testing, the main aspect of it has always been verification of the actual software before it has been developed. The primary goal of […]
by - VTEST
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Security Testing: A Necessity Rather Than A Task
In today’s mobile world, even when the companies try hard to keep the software safe and secure, any software has its own set of errors and vulnerabilities. As different aspects of our lives are becoming digital and more technical, the need for security testing is increasing day by day. Security testing looks into the following […]
by - VTEST
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Your Guide to E-Commerce Website and Application Testing
As we all know, there is a rise in technical innovations in the 21st century, and many of the inventions are based on utility. Many thinkers and developers are creating newer applications and software with the basic thought of bringing ease to the day-to-day actions of common people. E-commerce is one such field of innovations […]
by - VTEST
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Software Testing: 10 Skills that the future demands
In software testing, apart from the work experience and technical knowledge, there are certain aspects and skillsets that a software tester must possess. Unlike a few years before, it is not the same now. Software testers with only technical knowledge of testing won’t survive in the race of testing opportunities. Year 2021 and the future […]
by - VTEST
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Game Testing: A Mini-Guide to the inner workings
The gaming industry is on a boom, and the pressure and responsibility on the software industry to keep up with the quality is ever-increasing. The target consumer group, in this case, includes professional gamers, hence it cannot be treated casually. As every game and the platforms are different, a fixed manifesto cannot be applied to […]
by - VTEST
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Penetration Testing Tutorial
In the wide range of types of software testing, Penetration testing is one of the most prominent facets of software security testing. It is the prediction and simulation of security breaches and cyber-attacks that hamper the software workings. Also known as Pen testing, it allows a tester to assess the risks involved if any potential […]
by - VTEST
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