For those who got irked by the headline of this article – please hold on until you read the full article.
At vTEST, we all are testers in different capacity, skill set, years of experience and loads of passion to test anything and everything. As testers, we ought to be aggressive, pursuant and make things right by pointing out the wrong in it. Sounds ok?.
We want all testers (and to start with our Testomaniacs) to be FEARLESS like a Tiger. A fearless tester that will strive for quality to ensure that the best software is released on time. We need to train ourselves to be strong and powerful to not compromise on quality at all levels. Many a times, testers tend to agree with approach that is defined by non-testers or business folks. We need to be able to speak up and communicate our approach to publicist with all stakeholders rather than accepting any approach that will jeopardize the quality.
This is a shout out to all testers to be FEARLESS, be willing to bring the change even if it means to question the set standards. Yes, we treat all vTEST Testomaniacs like FEARLESS Tigers = Animals (as per the title of this article) that will be relentless to build and implement best testing practices. Happy Testing!.